With temperatures generally becoming hotter and the summer sun getting brighter, you might want to consider upping your eye care game to meet the challenges of the summer weather. Especially if you’re living in a place nicknamed – The Sunshine City. That basically means sun, sun, sun everywhere all the time, even in Winter!
Overexposing your eyes to UV light which comes from the sun’s rays can put you at risk for:
- Retina Sunburn
- Eyelid Cancer
- Blurry Vision
- Risk for Cataracts
As if that isn’t bad enough, getting a pair of fun or trendy sunglasses from the local hairdressers or beauty shop just won’t cut it when it comes to eye protection from the sun. Most of the cheaper brands of sunglasses cause our pupils to expand so that we can see through the dark lens meaning our eyes are working harder and at higher risk to the strain. A big culprit here are the cheap sunglasses for the “kiddies” found in toy stores or lucky dips. When you consider that cheap sunglasses can cause eye strain, you may want to review giving them to your child so easily as the pattern of strain is instituted earlier in life and for longer throughout life.
Thankfully, you can get a sunglass prescription from your nearest optometrist if you already wear spectacles. The process is just the same as getting a spectacle prescription. You book an exam and your lens is fitted to your frame or another or your choice. If you don’t have a need for spectacles, just visit your optometrist and ask after the sunglasses that block UV Light. You will most probably find them in a brand name, giving you double points for looks and eye care.